
Datasheets360 is a comprehensive source for manufacturer datasheets and distributor pricing and availability information, searchable by partial and exact product numbers. By leveraging IHS CAPS Universe content with GlobalSpec digital media platform, along with pricing and availability information powered by TrustedParts.com, Datasheets360 provides purchasing, engineering, and technical professionals instant and free access to a massive database of millions of electronic component datasheets. Our datasheets come from over 3,400 companies in over 400 categories of active and passive electronic components, and all are available to view, print, and share in PDF format.

Using our proprietary search technology, Datasheets360 is engineered to quickly deliver highly relevant, unbiased, and trustworthy content. By entering a manufacturer's part number, professionals can search and access one of the largest databases of its kind.

Built to facilitate product consideration and ultimately part procurement, the site represents an opportunity for manufacturers to build brand awareness and position themselves for design wins during a critical phase in the buy cycle, and for distributors to drive transactions. Companies advertising on Datasheets360 can dominate share of voice for specific parts or entire part categories via contextual ad units, and drive transaction-ready traffic to their site to buy products, or request samples.

To learn more about advertising and media programs on Datasheets360, download our Media Kit.